This Week, we are continuing Guard attacks, focusing on the Butterfly guard.

attempted Traingle choke! Andys'
bottom game has come a long way! He constantly keeps working on it and he is a tough guy!
Jaime stuck in Rays' Butterfly guard. I think Ray has one of the best Butterfly guards on our team!
Eveyones' Butterfly guard game has made a big jump! The Butterfly guard is good for Gi and No-gi Grappling and will boost your bottom game up dramatically!
Daniel attempting to pass David's guard!
Jim is having a UFC/Birthday Party On Saturday, May 23. Hope you can make it! It's going to be a Blast! Let me or Jim know that you want to come so you can get directions. He also has a flyer posted in the Dojo with his address.
Happy 21st Birthday Jim!!!
Keep up the good work guys!
You know anything you need I am here for you bro ! These are the things best friends do for one another. You know you dont even have to ask. I know the team feels the same. Thanks to those that have been in the past few weeks. TM is as strong as ever and its because of the LOYAL core group of you who show up when you can to get better as well as help us all improve mentally , physically and most of all technically. There is Team in Magnitude for a reason. We all work together to progress and grow. If you only come in to test yourself thats not being a team player! There are tons of gyms around town to do that if you want to test yourself. Or even better get into tournaments. We all do Jiu Jitsu for our own reasons and im sure there all differant. But i do believe the end result for all is to be the best bjj player you can be and nobody can do it on there own . You need all differant types of training partners that also care about your health and safety.
Great Post Charlie!
Like Charlie, I would like to thank those of you who constistantly make it to class to train and help us train to improve.
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