First, congratulations to Eric Black on his Blue Belt promotion on Monday, the 15th! He's been training a little over two years and is an absolute beast on the mat! He has diligently put more effort into bringing up his bottom game of guard control and side mount escapes that along with his top game, puts him in the official category of "Jiu-Jitsu Beast!"
This week, again, we're putting more emphasize on guard control and attack. Sunday, we started with controlling and attacking with an overhook from the closed guard. Monday, we spent time on attacking with bent arm locks from the bottom and we'll continue throughout the rest of the week on elaborating those positions.
We put up more chokes (no-gi), on our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique section. So, check it out when you get the time!
I still have some injuries that I'm working through, so I have to modify a lot of my strength training and cut back a lot on my mat time which bums me out! but hey, I STILL LOVE IT! I'm planning on heading up to train with Chris Haueter again this Fri and I'm looking forward, as usual to training with him!
Next week will be a short week for training...only having classes on Sun, Mon, and Tues. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks for posting the videos on the site. I can't make it to class as much as I want, so it is cool to get some instruction on the site. It has been great over the years seeing students excel in the sport.
Russ! you're welcome. We plan on putting up a new technique once every other week. We are so happy to have you as part of the team and I see you making the extra effort to work your bottom game. Good stuff!
Bottom game is what I know I need, but I know I still need to learn guard passes to get around the tough guys' guards.
Acrobatic scrambling only gets so far... Connor and Ray among others are too good for that.
Andrew, I know what you're saying. A good Jiu-Jitsu guys' guard is tough to pass. You will definitely need to know your Jiu-Jitsu guard passes. Be patient brother, it'll come. You have so much potential that I can't wait to watch you compete! we'll round out the year concentrating on the bottom game and starting Jan go back to working top game.
Arg, I wish I saw that technique before class! I was in side mount several times and was looking for a new attack. Great stuff, thanks for adding it, can't wait to see some more techniques.
I want to compliment Dan on a great guard, I came to class recovering from a cold and thought I was in good shape but he kicked my butt with his guard game! Dan, your a lot better than you let on to be! Great class on Wed, those of you who were scared of rain missed out ;D
thanks Greg! Class was fun tonight! every time you come, you get better. keep up the good work buddy!
Congratulations Eric Black for receiving your Blue Belt. You deserve it. Great job!!
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