Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pan Ams Day 1, Thurs Mar 24

First Day of the Pan Ams! I wanna say thanks to Sophia for taking the Pics to share!
Dan, Jaime and Armando! Dan went up to help coach, warm-up and support Jaime and Armando!

Jaime competed in the Adult Blue Belt, Leve division and started fighting around 11:30 am. He weighed in about 5 lbs under and was as ready as can be. But unfortunately, made a major mistake off a single leg attempt and got caught in a triangle that he battled to get out but had to tap :-( I want to congratulate Jaime for working so hard in preparing for the tournament and putting it on the or lose.

Armando competed in the Adult Blue Belt, Super-Pesado Division and looked outstanding! He won his first match by submission in hard fought battle

He lost his next match by 2 points and unfortunately, the tournament is single elimination. Armando was hampered by severe cramping that he was dealing with all week :-( Congrats Armando on the Great Showing Buddy!

Armando, Jaime and Sophia all went to the Yard House afterwards to celebrate the hard fought matches! (Friend in the background looking on...)

Tomorrow, Max Sheppard will be competing in the Masters Blue Belt, Pluma Division and Dan Hoopes will competing in the Masters Blue Belt, Medio Division. Wish Them luck!


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