Wednesday, March 23, 2011

training, Wed Mar 23

Andy and Ray working hard! These two Grapplers can move!
Me, Daniel, my brother, John, and Charlie!
Josh and Gabe Battled! and had a Blast at the same time

Josh! between rounds...

Armando and Charlie getting some good sparring in

Andy will be competing this Sat at the Pans. Good Luck Andy!

Andy and I getting some good training in!

Josh and Ray!

Two tough Heavyweights! Josh and Gabe!

Charlie and I working some of his gameplan

Charlie will be competing this Sunday at the Pans! Good Luck Charlie!

Tomorrow morning, Jaime will be competing in the Blue Belt, Adult, Leve Division. Good Luck Jaime!

Tomorrow afternoon, Armando will be competing in the Blue Belt, Adult, Super-Pesado Division. Good Luck Armando!

We will keep everyone posted! We will have class tomorrow night. Max and Dan fight Friday morning, Andy and Chris Haueter fight on Saturday and Charlie fights Sunday


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