Friday, March 25, 2011

Pan Ams Day 2, Fri Mar 25

Great Matches at the Pans!!!
Day 2 of the Pan Ams has Max and Dan competing, representing our team. Lot's of awesome matches and the level of competition is extraordinary!
Max was in the very first group of matches for the day and he was excited!

Max was tough! He won a solid match 5-0 against a very game opponent! He then lost his next match by points to a very good guy. All in all, Max was super happy with his performance and we were very proud of him!

Dan had a great tournament! He won his first match in a hard fought 3-0 victory!

Max with his son, Levi, cheering for Dan!

Me and Max!

Dan went on to win his next match 10-0! but lost his third match to a very good guy! He was happy with his performance and we were happy for him !!!

Jaime had to feed me because I was so nervous for the guys!

Dan's brother, Doug competed but lost in a tough match!

Kidd and I cheering the guys on!

Tough tournament!

Jaime and Dan checking their cell phones for Booty Calls!

We all went to eat after and celebrate!

I had to feed Dan!!! Because he was still nervous!!!

tomorrow, Andy will be competing in the Master Purple Belt, Pesado Division and also Chris Haueter will be competing in the Senior 3 Black Belt Leve Division. Wish them luck!


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