Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ray Sloan = Purple Belt, Tues, Feb 23

Congratulations Mr. Sloan! This man has been training consistently for about 5 years and has not waivered. He is as respectful as they come, loyal, Team Player, and FUKIN Tough! This guy has two jobs, a daughter that he looks after and still will not miss training ! Charlie, one of the first to congratulate Mr Sloan...

Ben gives Ray a great congrats on the Promotion Match!!!

Charlie also welcomes Ray to the advanced levels!!!

Ray knows how to take and knows how to give. Here, he works with Kidd...

Kidd has sumthin to say!!!

Andy vs Matt!!!

Charlie and Matt!!!

Nick Stefan stops by to say Hi! This Man has beautiful Jiu Jitsu, Black Belt Under Rigan Machado. Same as Chris Haueter. If I'm not mistaken, Chris was one of Nicks Instructors, back in the day. If you haven't trained with Nick yet, please do! You'll be in for a treat!

Charlie and Ben! always a good roll!

Sean and Andy!

Kidd makin sure that Ben is gonna Tap !


  1. CONGRATS BIG RAY Very proud of u my man well deserved ! You put in the time and it has payed off bro ! U R A STUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. RAY!!! you da man!! thats awesome.. congrats!

