Monday, February 22, 2010

training, Mon Feb 22

Good training tonight! The guys & Gals really put a lot of Umph into it!

Charlie and Ray get a lot of Skill training in tonight! Charlie and Ray = Two Studs!
Sean attacking Charlie!


Sean and Megan!


Charlie throwing one of his many chokes!

Riding the Mechanical Bull! Dan taking the Back of Ray but it won't be easy to find the submission!

Christie gets to my Back, but again, Mechanical Bull!

Christie on Ray's back...Mechanical Bull...

Ray looking for the submission on Dan!

Megan Looking to finish...


Christie vs. Dan, "The Man!"

Ray and I battled! THIS GUY WAS A TANK!

1 comment:

  1. Remember guys and gals If u want to get better all u have to do is train !!!! One day a week is better than no days a week :) Make every session count and it will pay off ! Dont get dicoureged or frustrated if u feel u r not making progress it will happen Jiu Jitsu doesnt happen over night !
