Excel Jiu Jitsu MMA & Fitness is a family-friendly, full scale Mixed Martial Arts training facility specializing in the art and sport of Jiu Jitsu. We are about teamwork, friendship and dedication. We are located at 4093 Oceanside Blvd., Suite D, Oceanside, Ca 92056. Call us at 760-726-2279! Come in and check us out and join us for some no obligation, free training, trial period! But be warned: you'll be hooked! For more info: exceljiujitsu.com
wow i cant believe what useful stuff i learned from you and ray. I'll definitely add that half guard stuff into my game! fun class tonight as well as Monday night! i cant wait to go to Chris houters to test these new techniques against some people that don't know my game and i don't know theirs. in my opinion, that's the true way to tell how effective your jiu jitsu really is.
Moday and Tues were great classes ! I was so beat from Tues night I had to take wed night off. Looking forward to more good technique tonight.
This week taught me a lot about attacking from the deep half guard, which is the only place on the bottom I feel like I can really be offensive on the bottom.
The Gi classes are definitely funner classes for me when I work on the bottom. I feel like my body gets a different type of workout durin these nights too. It's all about shoulders and grip strength!
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