Competing in Jiu-Jitsu is not for everybody but if you train regularly and take your Jiu Jitsu seriously, I would recommend doing some tournaments from time to time or on a regular basis. It will enhance what you know and you will learn so much, not only about Jiu Jitsu, but about yourself. It's one thing to be "King" of the practice room and completely another to go toe to toe with someone that has a different idea of Jiu Jitsu than you in a competitive setting with a stop watch. But I do say, to get good at tournament Jiu Jitsu, you need to do a lot of tournaments to get really good at it. The stategy is different, the energy, the setting, etc, etc...

Next Sunday,
April 26th, there will be a small group of us competing in the Best of the West, No-Gi tournament in Long Beach. It'll be another opportunity to test our Jiu-Jitsu in a competitive enviorment. Wish us luck!

It was such a beautiful day today!!! I told the guys that they are crazy for being so dedicated to show up for training when they could be at the beach kicking it or staying at home, nice and cozy on the couch with their favorite bag of potato chips watching re-runs on the tube. We had a small group but wow, that was some tough training. These guys went hard and trained smart and will reap the rewards of

I cannot tell you enough, how important it is to keep up your health and fitness. If you're doing a sport like Brazilian Jiu -Jitsu It would definitely benefit you to crosstrain in some form of strength training (doesn't have to be lifting), some cardiovascular training, along with some flexibilty training to enhance your athleticism. The benefits are gold, not only to your Jiu Jitsu game, but done correctly, to your overall health as well.
Looking forward to grtting back to training. try to get in shape for comp ! For those who are competing next weekend Beth and I will be there to support. Good luck and represent for TM.
That's a great pic of Jackson! Keep building up your Game Plan and you will definitely shine when tournament time comes.
Thanks to you and Beth Ann for continually showing support!!!
Dude... Adam is freaking BUILT LIKE HULK!
Man, I wish I could have been there Monday, because when there are less people is the best time for instruction! I'll be in tomorrow... hooray!
I'm a bit worried about how I'd perform if I went to that tournament on the 26th, since I haven't been able to do much training in the last 1.5 weeks. I'm undecided if I should compete or not.
Also, who's the guy next to Adam in the picture?
Hi Andrew!
yeah, that was Sunday Class but that's Mike Lapidow. He started grappling about ten years ago. Tough, skilled grappler and nice guy to boot!
I just registered for this Sundays' tournament. It's going to be a blast!
Holy crap this cold is kicking my butt!!!.... I am just now starting to feel a little better after being down and out for 6 days!. Hope to be back training with you guys soon!!!
Dude, that eye poke was insane on Wednesday! It freaked me out, and everyone else out too!
I just got really bad news and really good news. Good news is I just bought my first house! Bad news is that I got TERRIBLE reviews on a report and have to spend a lot of time redoing it. The first version was about 80 pages and took my life up for the last 2 weeks, and this revision of that paper will be the same way.
I'll make it to Jitsu when I can, but for the next 2 weeks, I will be really hard-pressed for free time. I'll still keep up running as usual.
sorry to hear that man. The cold definitely went around. Hurry and get better my friend.
Andrew, how's your eye now? sometimes, training hurts :-( congrats on the new house! and good luck on your revision. hopefully, you can sneak to Jiu Jitsu Practice here soon ;-)
Charlie, Thanks for running class on Monday that was some good stuff! Congrats to all whom did the tourney last weekend. All should take pride in just stepping on the mat.
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