Training this week has been great. Charlie taught classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. He has great Jiu Jitsu and shows every little detail to his techniques.

Adams guard...
What can I say, Adam is Blowing Up!!! His guard game is sick! you all better watch your arm, or he'll take it home with him as his trophy!

Maxs' guard...

Max has been on a steady roll of improvement. can't wait for his next tournament...
Charlies' Guard...
Charlie got in a full week of training this week and is prepping for tournament competition. This man has a great Jiu Jitsu game and is so fun to watch!

Charlie got in a full week of training this week and is prepping for tournament competition. This man has a great Jiu Jitsu game and is so fun to watch!
Hey, some of you guys have been soooo lazy! You're calling me up on the phone and telling me that you don't feel motivated! COME ON NOW. That it's hard to get up off the couch and you want me to give you some encouraging words? WELL, GET ON THE MAT AND LET'S TRAIN! I'm not you're babysitter...
Great week of training for those who made it ! For those who didnt can make up for it next week. Instead of two push for three days.Michio forgot to mention his 1st place in his division . He looked great as always. Thanks to you who enjoyed Mon , Tues and Wed. Thanks Mich for giving me the chance to teach. Great job Adam and Andy.
Motivated?! It is motivating just checking out the blog and seeing Andy's face all beat down. Perhaps it is easy to stay motivated when I can only make it once a week...on a side note..over the years several of you have showed an interest in law enforcement. With recent contract issues and the economy, I've heard that San Diego Police is going to be about 300+ officers short come July. Go to their website for info on test dates. With their current contract, it isn't the ideal place to spend a career, however it is a great way to get into the career before changing to an agency with more perks and better retirement. Any questions or ideas feel free to email me:
Victory is not about first place, we are vitorious when we learn from the experience and improve ourselves for the next challenge
The amount of pain and suffering to meet a goal will equal the joy and fulfillment you feel when you reach it
wow! i love how you put that jaime!
Incoming wall of text...
Monday was a great practice for me. It will be good when school's over, so that I can come 3 times a week again! My endurance is gonna suffer if I don't get back in like that!
Congrats to everyone who entered that tourney. And also, to everyone who doesn't feel motivated:
There were plenty of times in Wrestling that I didn't feel motivated to come, nor did I really want to go. You guys can sympathize with this though: If I forced myself to go, I was glad that I went afterward. Times will come for people that are "low" points, and sometimes that can last for months! You've gotta encourage yourself by focusing on an aspect of your game. In fact, your goal could just be something as simple as "I'm gonna learn to take Andrew down whenever I want to." That's a good goal as any.
My goal is to not hesitate when I'm trying to pass someone's guard. I'll move fast and try 4-5 moves in chain succession until I can get a pass... and I'll stop if I get gassed out :D
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