Sunday, February 28, 2010

training, Sun Feb 28

Great Sunday Training!

Jim and Jeremy Battled! They Battled!!!

Jaime and Jeremy go after each other...
Jaime is soooo happy, his first day back from injury! Not 100% but happy that he's back!

Jeremy vs Big Jim!

Jaime vs Big Jim!!!

Jaime and I got some training in! both of us, not 100% but that's ok! We still had fun!

Christie working her magic on Jeremy!

Bryan and Chris! Both, Masters Champions yesterday! They will not take a break! Here they are blasting through each other for and hour and a half!

Jeremy and I, Grappling tough...

Big Jim and I! I'm giving Jim a Big Welcome back to training!!!

Jim battles Jeremy!

Bryan & Chris! These two men, getting ready for State next weekend!!!

Jaime!!! First Day back!!!

Christie, having a BLAST!!! ...On a Sunday afternoon..

Saturday, February 27, 2010

training, Fri Feb 26

Came straight from a Chriopractic appointment with Brent Patterson, Sports Chriopractic (Nick Stefan hooked me up!) to training. I have a nagging injury and I gotta hurry up an heal so I can get back to training!

I trained today, although handicapped, but still got good training and had fun!
Jeremy = One tough dude!

Andy and I got some great training in!

Jeremy attacking Andy! I cannot believe the improvements Jeremy has made! Well, yes, I can believe it, but Damn!!!

Jeremy gets to my back!

Jeremy and I battled...

Jeremy and Andy battled

Andy and I battled!

We went Round Robin style and all got a great workout! (Andy had to crawl off the mats after training!)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

training, Thurs Feb 25

Gi,gi,GI! Grips, positioning, defending, and attacks!!!

Two Awesome Jiu Jitsu Guys, Andy & Charlie...
Me, teaching Kidd and DAn, ThE MaN...

Charlie and I, demonstrating some cool and effective Gi attacks...

Dan getting some practice...

Kidd took a Big Jump in her Game tonight! SHE HAS BEEN PAYING ATTENTION! For the short time she has been doing Jiu Jitsu,
She is Kikin Butt!!!

Dan and Ben, working towards Improvement

Ray working with Kidd

Me teaching class...

Ray and Ben...always a classic war

Ben and Kidd...

JAIME!!! After Powdering his nose...

Dan and Andy!

Kidd, Pouring it on!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

training, Wed Feb 24

Good training tonight! We went over back attacks, left and right!

Here, Christie rides the Mechanical Bull, two nights in a week!

Tries to set in a choke on 6'8" Justin! Chirstie = One tough Girl!

Dan has the mount on Justin...Or does he???



Me teaching class...


Megan and Christie!

Kidd and Jaime!

Christie = One arm choke! Show off!!!

Justin, bearing down on Dan, "The Man!"

I get the "Tap" on Dan! (Even though demonstration, I will put it in my 'Black Book' !)
Good night Folks!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ray Sloan = Purple Belt, Tues, Feb 23

Congratulations Mr. Sloan! This man has been training consistently for about 5 years and has not waivered. He is as respectful as they come, loyal, Team Player, and FUKIN Tough! This guy has two jobs, a daughter that he looks after and still will not miss training ! Charlie, one of the first to congratulate Mr Sloan...

Ben gives Ray a great congrats on the Promotion Match!!!

Charlie also welcomes Ray to the advanced levels!!!

Ray knows how to take and knows how to give. Here, he works with Kidd...

Kidd has sumthin to say!!!

Andy vs Matt!!!

Charlie and Matt!!!

Nick Stefan stops by to say Hi! This Man has beautiful Jiu Jitsu, Black Belt Under Rigan Machado. Same as Chris Haueter. If I'm not mistaken, Chris was one of Nicks Instructors, back in the day. If you haven't trained with Nick yet, please do! You'll be in for a treat!

Charlie and Ben! always a good roll!

Sean and Andy!

Kidd makin sure that Ben is gonna Tap !