Wednesday, December 30, 2009

training, Wed Dec 30

No Class the rest of the week! back to schedule next Mon! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

We're closing out 2009 and beginning The New year in Grand Fashion!

Tonight was an incredible night of training!!!

Tough guys (and Gal) vs. Tough guys (and Gal!)

Lot's of Lofty Goals! I know, I have mine set for 2010!

Here, Andy attempts a Triangle attack on the Tough, TOUGH...Dave Bonney!

Dave and I rolled for a while! he's a tank, no doubt!

Josh and Dave...what a BATTLE!!! Back and forth! These Big guys can move!

Matt improves every week! here, he takes on the tough Dave Bonney...

I got a chance to roll with the very athletic Daryl Crane! We had a good learning session!

Ray was on tonight! Here, he gets Daryl in an armlock! So, smooth with the combinations! I think he wants to go straight from Blue Belt to The Black Belt!!!

Enjoying the action! Mrs. Bonney and Bryan! all they were missing were the popcorn and soda!

Wandahs' second day in a row! Here, she works with Ray. Very soon, she will be a force...

Ray works Andy from the top of the quarter position!

Andy and Josh! What a battle!!! These guys went back and forth, back and forth with attacks! These men have been grappling for a long, long time. They know what they're doing, for sure.

Dave works with Wandah! Helping her to get her game to make a big jump!

He also works with Daryl! Two very athletic men...

Ray and Josh!!! What a battle! these two heavy weights Know How to Bring it!!!

Matt!!! Here, choking the S*** outta me!!!

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