Tuesday, December 29, 2009

training, Tues Dec 29

Great class tonight!!! We went over some concepts of keeping the guard. Lots of good match ups in sparring!

Andrew and Matt work their Jiu Jitsu!
Max and Andrew exchange footlocks!

Daryl and Matt...what a battle! back and forth! Both exhausted at the end

Andrew obtaining mount on Dayrl

Wandahs' first class! She was impressive. Here she rolls with Mad Max!

Max takes the fight to Daryl!

Max has his hands full with Matt, "The Crusher!"

Jaime and Sam, all they're missing is the popcorn and soda! They had fun watching the show!

Farieba and Wandah had a great workout!!!

Great fun to watch Andrew and Max!!! Those guys showed some mad skillz!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Wandah!!! I knew you wouldn't be able to sit on the sidelines just watching for very long :)

