Wednesday, December 16, 2009

training, Wed Dec 16

Wow!!! What a Great class tonight! The chemistry was really good and everyone worked very well with one another. We worked some concepts on Guard passing along with some really cool techniques. Some guys are grappling injured but do not want to miss training. Hats off to them!

Farieba works with Andy and they get some good training in...
Jaime and Farieba work hard at learning the Group lesson...

When guys are smiling during the sparring session...These guys LOVE WHAT THEY DO!!! These guys are Jiu Jitsu! You're only good at what you love!

Charlie every night gets to someone's he gets Dan's back! Charlie is perfecting his Strength.

Ben, the attacker, vs. Ray, the Attacker...good match!

Jaime gets to Andys' back

Jaime and Ray working hard as Andy keeps a watchful eye...

Brian couldn't roll tonight but came in to support his teammates

Jaime and Dan trade leg locks!

Ben always has his Teammates Back! (No Pun intended!)

Charlie and Ray = Classic Battle

Charlie works with Farieba on Strategy and technique

Dan takes it to Andy!

Andy and Ray work well together! During the warm up roll, these guys exchanged many submission attacks and kept going...

Farieba choking the S*** outta Ben!!!

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