Thursday, December 17, 2009

training, Thurs Dec17

Lot's of good energy tonight!!! I'm very impressed with Max! All you doubters out there...Mess with Max, he'll rip you a new one! CHARLIE, Charlie...mess with him...he'll put you to sleep...

Farieba and Max = Good training partners!

speaking of good training...Tito and Dan work hard to get to the next level...

Sean and Dan go at it!

Farieba getting the choke on Charlie!

Jaime is incredible! Here, he gets to Dan's back!

Then, gets to Titos' back!

Charlie is so smooth! His Jiu Jitsu is incredible to watch! I am a fan for sure! -Michio

Farieba getting the arm lock on me! She learns quick!

Charlie puts an end to Seans' squirming...

Sean is a great training partner...also, a good teacher!



  1. Good class tonight ! Remember guys and gals we all have our good days as well as bad ! The key is to not beat youself up for the bad because we all have them And dont praise yourself to much for the good ones because that can make the bad days worse if that makes sense !!!! If have learned anything in the past six years is your gonna go through ups downs highs and lows and its how u deal with the lows thats gonna build character. Some give up some go elsewhere but the truly strong will stick it out and keep working to get better !
