Wednesday, December 30, 2009

training, Wed Dec 30

No Class the rest of the week! back to schedule next Mon! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

We're closing out 2009 and beginning The New year in Grand Fashion!

Tonight was an incredible night of training!!!

Tough guys (and Gal) vs. Tough guys (and Gal!)

Lot's of Lofty Goals! I know, I have mine set for 2010!

Here, Andy attempts a Triangle attack on the Tough, TOUGH...Dave Bonney!

Dave and I rolled for a while! he's a tank, no doubt!

Josh and Dave...what a BATTLE!!! Back and forth! These Big guys can move!

Matt improves every week! here, he takes on the tough Dave Bonney...

I got a chance to roll with the very athletic Daryl Crane! We had a good learning session!

Ray was on tonight! Here, he gets Daryl in an armlock! So, smooth with the combinations! I think he wants to go straight from Blue Belt to The Black Belt!!!

Enjoying the action! Mrs. Bonney and Bryan! all they were missing were the popcorn and soda!

Wandahs' second day in a row! Here, she works with Ray. Very soon, she will be a force...

Ray works Andy from the top of the quarter position!

Andy and Josh! What a battle!!! These guys went back and forth, back and forth with attacks! These men have been grappling for a long, long time. They know what they're doing, for sure.

Dave works with Wandah! Helping her to get her game to make a big jump!

He also works with Daryl! Two very athletic men...

Ray and Josh!!! What a battle! these two heavy weights Know How to Bring it!!!

Matt!!! Here, choking the S*** outta me!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

training, Tues Dec 29

Great class tonight!!! We went over some concepts of keeping the guard. Lots of good match ups in sparring!

Andrew and Matt work their Jiu Jitsu!
Max and Andrew exchange footlocks!

Daryl and Matt...what a battle! back and forth! Both exhausted at the end

Andrew obtaining mount on Dayrl

Wandahs' first class! She was impressive. Here she rolls with Mad Max!

Max takes the fight to Daryl!

Max has his hands full with Matt, "The Crusher!"

Jaime and Sam, all they're missing is the popcorn and soda! They had fun watching the show!

Farieba and Wandah had a great workout!!!

Great fun to watch Andrew and Max!!! Those guys showed some mad skillz!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

training, Mon, Dec 28

Great class tonight! We worked submissions attacking from Top Quarter Position. Lot's of Sparring!

Andy gets to Ben's back!
Ray was on a roll tonight! He's been putting the hard work the he gets Ben in an arm lock

Gets Christie in a sweep!

Christie shows no fear and takes on all she goes head to head with Andy

Ray has Ben all tied up

Ben gets to Christie's back and it's all good...

until he gets serious...

And makes her tap!

Ray and Andy battle it out tonight!

Ray, here, with an arm lock!

Christie returns the favor and gets to Bens back! Ben signals that he's ok!

Still ok...

Now she gets serious!

And finishes Ben with a choke!
Lot's of fun tonight!!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Set yourself some goals!

2010 is here! Set some Jiu Jitsu, Fitness, and Personal Goals. Be a Goal Setter! First thing is first, decide on what you want to achieve. What is important to you and what do you wish to accomplish? From there, create a plan then get busy working that plan by taking action. Make it happen! In any goal worth striving for, there will be obstacles, challenges, and struggles along the way, so you must have persistence. Along with persistence, you will get the needed Intensity to reach your goal by setting deadlines. Deadlines are a must. The sense of urgency created by deadlines will light a fire that will get you moving. Lastly, finish what you start, BE DEDICATED! 1) DECISION: Know exactly what you want to achieve. Something that’s important to you, maybe something that you wish for or dream about? Once you decide, write it down.

2) PLANNING: Create a plan and it should be flexible, detailed and broken up into stages to help you get to where you need to go. The plan will guide you, help you and allow you to see where you are going and how much time you have.

3) TAKE ACTION: Work the plan! Be dedicated! A worthy goal will challenge you and give you sense of purpose but it will not be easy. You will come across challenges and struggles that will let you know that you will be in a fight! Stay strong.

4) DEADLINES: A timetable will get you moving quickly in the right direction. Having a deadline will create a sense of urgency. Without a timetable, you might find yourself, with time, losing interest in what you’re going after.

5) ACCOMPLISHMENT: Finish what you started. Don’t quit. A lot of times, worthy goals take much time. Once the newness wears off, the effort increases. After you reach your goal, set more goals and keep improving and evolving!

If you’re new to Goal Setting, understand that Goal Setting is an Art and I only touched on a few points. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Everyone does it a little different that everyone else. But make no mistake about it, setting goals, creating that plan and taking action to get that plan in full effect, will get you where you want to go.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

training, Tues Dec 22

Merry Christmas!!! You guys surprised me, and I got flustered...didn't know what to say man!
Got my X-Mas gift, a stand-alone printer, for my camera! NICE.

Training was BAD ASS!!! (I'm not sure I'm allowed to say that on a public forum!) Here (above), Tito and Sean Battle it out!


Sean and Andrew got a lot of good sparring in tonight!

Matt, every week, makes those jumps! Pretty soon, we'll see him on the cover of Grappling magazine!

I love doing Jiu Jitsu, but i'm also a fan of watching it! Ben and Andrew...threw attacks at each other that you would not believe! These guys are awesome to watch!

Matt, putting the "Hurts"
on Sean! But Sean loved it! He's a tough guy, no doubt!

Classic Ben, taking the back mount...always looking for the finish

Max and Tito! These guys HAMMER @ each other! and both are all the better for it!

Andrew and Jaime!!! These guys are non-stop! They go after each other like there is no tomorrow...

Ben is becoming the CHOKE MONSTER! He does Tito in...

Max and Sean = Great training partners!!!
Thank you guys!!!!