Thursday, November 12, 2009

training, Thurs Nov 12

Tonight we worked on some good details to get to the back. We have such a good group of guys! It's all about training. Guys are helping one another, giving each other feedback and working hard but enjoying the training, as tough as it can be.Ben and Jaime get some great sparring in!
Tito and Max get ready to rumble!!!

Matt working off the back of Tito...

Ben working his escapes from the ever so tough, Charlie!

Ben attacking Max from his Guard

Tito gets to Jaimes back and working the choke

Matt working his Spider Guard

Jaime and Max get some great sparring in!

1 comment:

  1. Another great class Michio ! Class is a lot of fun as well as tough. Good energy and great attitudes . Missing a few old faces , hope you guys get back in soon the team needs you .
