Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Science of Martial Arts & Combat Sports

The whole idea behind the Science of Martial Arts is you becoming a better person. You will be challenged to improve because in order for you to get to the next levels, you will have to put the time, the effort, and the commitment required to mold your character to become that advanced practitioner that the arts have to offer. Along your journey, you will learn humility, respect, and dedication. Now, how much of each, is up to you. There will be times when you will be humbled, no doubt about it. But it depends on how much you put yourself out there. You will learn respect because you cannot become good at a combat sport without the help of others and the right enviorment. And it goes without saying, that dedication is a must. You will be taken through highs and lows; through thick and through thin but you must put in the time and the effort, sometimes through hard times in your life, to get to those next levels.
I hope you don't participate in any sport or hobby just to be stagnate. It's all about improvement or better yet, self-improvement. That's where the joy is. YOU WILL GET OUT OF IT, WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT!

One book that I recommend to my friends and students is the Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. Get the the Thomas Cleary translation. It's a good read with a lot of insight to the Science of Martial Arts!

1 comment:

  1. The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.

    So put the work in and you will succeed.

    True strength is not always shown through vitory. Stand up, try again and display strength of heart.

    -Rickson Gracie
