Thursday, October 1, 2009

training, Oct 01

This is it! We're approaching the end of the year! Are you where you want to be in your traininig? For me, I have been really working hard at keeping my weight down and putting a lot of work into my strength and conditioning program, A LOT OF WORK. I am very happy, especially working through a cold, the last week and a half. Here, Max and Ben go at it...
Ben and Dan, working hard...

Tito and Dan working together

Max is always smiling! Even in the toughest spots in training. Here, he has the upper hand on Jaime

Jaime and Matt working through some positions...

Andy and Charlie, Having a Blast! At the same time getting some good work in...

Ryan atttacking Andy from the Mount

Ryan is picking up his training! Watch out!!!

Max working with Tito, grip exchange

Ryan making sure his training partner is wearing underwear!


  1. Not exactly wear i want to be but getting back on track ! Thanks Big Andy for working on some things with me. I hope what we went over helps u as well. And big THANKS to Mich for showing me a few armbar tricks to tighten things up and helping me with grip awarness and position. Just when u think u got it figured out i realized i am not even close ! Thats OK because i know its a long road ahead.

  2. thanks for letting me train even though i had to leave early. i love this sport. thanks Michio for all the help you gave me in our fun flow session last night! i learned a lot about angles on the crucifix as well as composure and flowing. and Charlie, you tha man! i learned so much from you from our past rolling sessions. thank you both for not being these kind of instructors that dont want to teach their students everything so they wont get the upper hand. you guys are so generous with your teaching that it makes me so proud to be your student.

  3. lol grandon, "Yea, underwear is there, continue"
