Friday, October 2, 2009

training, Fri Oct 02

Charlie taught a great class on top quarter position and crucifix stuff! Again, got a lot of sparring in! Here, Ben and Bruce go to battle!Jaime and Andrew work hard...

Jeremy and Max working some of the stuff Charlie taught

Charlie has a great gift of teaching!

Make sure you guys take care of yourselves! Get plenty of off the mat work like studying, strength & conditioning, proper nutrition, and plenty of rest! All of this plays a part in your advancement in the Jiu Jitsu game!


  1. Great class tonight had a lot of fun. Charlie your teachings are great. I like the stuff you teach and use. It's always really fun rolling with you.

  2. Thanks Jaime that means a lot to me ! I hope others feel the same. This was and end to a tough week of training. Been a while since i got 5 days in a row but glad i did. Thanks Bruce for training and hope to see u next week.
