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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chris comes down to my evening class to award me my Black Belt after 10 1/2 years of training!!! I am sooo happy to have Chris as my Instuctor!!! I think that I have made the biggest jump in my Jiu Jitsu game in the last year, thanks to Chris!!! Thank you to all of you that made it by to get some training in...
Some of the guys couldn't train due to other obligations but stopped in (bottom pic!) I missed Max out of this pic. He also stopped by!

Chris putting the beating on me during our demostration match! Has me in his guard...

Chris welcoming me to the Black Belt! Throwing a leg choke on me!

The class was no-gi and we got a lot of rolling in! Here, Farieba attacks Ben from inside her guard!

Ray and Heman battle!!!

Chris and Ben get some great work in! Chris has been doing Jiu Jitsu for close to 30 Years!!! So, much experience to pass to us!

Jaime and his "Jaime choke!" He kicks ass!

Christie rolls with EVERYONE!!! Here she takes on Heman! All 225lbs of muscle on him!

Ray battles Heman! Heman came down with Chris and is a Brown Belt under Chris and is one of Chris' top guys.

Christie also took on Chris Haueter!!! great match!!!

Thanks Everyone!!!


cgrant said...

WAY TO GO MICHIO !!!!! Its a whole new start to your BJJ life I am proud to be your student . Thanks Chris for all you have done for us at TM. Training under Combat base has given us new life and new direction . Your knowledge and motivation is priceless and i hope we make u proud. Looks like im doing No Gi Worlds next month so i can use all the help i can get. Time to step it up guys ! And yes HEMAN is his real name :-) ! Thanks Heman for your kind words and training see u in a few weeks.

madmax said...

super stoked for you are a great coach,im very grateful for everything you have ever taught me.

Jaime Flores said...

CONGRATS BRO!!! Man I'm so happy for you. Now you start a new adventure.

Daniel said...

Wow this is truley amazing!! Im so happy for you Michio! I knew it would be coming soon for you. Damn now i gotta go down there and get a butt kickin. lol.

To all my friends/training partners down there, old and ones i dont know.

Michio Grubbs is the greatest jiu jitsu teacher. Stick with him and your training and your life will be forever changed!


Jeremy said...

Congrats Michio!!... we are all very proud of your accomplishments, both as a dedicated Jiu Jitsu student and as an awesome instructor!!


EXCEL Jiu Jitsu said...

Thank you Charlie! I'm glad you're stepping up for the upcoming tourney! you're gonna show the world!

Thank you Max! I'm bummed I missed a pic of you last night.

Thank you Jaime! I agree, a new start!

Thank you Daniel! very nice words that you put down!!! thank you...

Thank you Jeremy! I'm very proud to have you as a student!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah dude!!!!!

So awesome! I've been stuck out here in the middle of the desert, so cool that you got your belt! Very cool! I work weekends, not sure if any of you can come visit me, but if you can on mondays tuesdays or wednesdays ill show you around the park and play guide for free! Just come visit! haha