Wednesday, September 30, 2009

training, Wed Sep 30

tonight we worked some leg locks! some advanced technique along with the bascis. Ray throws one on Ben... got a lot, lot of sparring in tonight! Christie battles with Charlie...

Ben attacks Ray from the turtle...

Ray attacks Jaime with an arm lock!

Christie attacks Charlie with, huh, "the hug!"

Andrew working with Jaime on the triangle

Christie is saying, "Um, I don't feel any Pain???" Go, Ryan, Go!

classic battle, Ryan and Charlie!

Ben going after Dan!

Jaime gets Bens' back!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Congratulations to Jaime Flores =New Blue Belt!

Jaime gets the Blue Belt in a surprise promotion! I have been impressed with this man from day 1. He impresses me when he gives a beating, He impresses me when he takes a beating but most of all...his ATTITUDE. He works very hard on the mat, and off the mat. Everyone loves him. He has INTEGRITY, DEDICATION, LOYALTY. He never complains. He is never the victim. He never feels sorry for himself. He pushes in training even when he feels less than stellar. He never comes up with excuses. He has high standards for himself. And he respects all of his training partners and the training enviorment. He looks after not only himself, but others. JAIME IS A HUGE ASSET TO THE TEAM! mark my words, look out for this man in the near future. HE WILL BLOW YOU AWAY!!! I'm not even psychic and I can tell you that this guy will be a Jiu Jitsu Star.
Charlie welcomes Jaime to the New Blue Belt...

Ryan welcomes Jaime to the New Blue Belt...

Jaime works with Matt...

Farieba on Fire!!! here she is working hard with Ryan...

And then, attacking Ray from the back mount! There is no stopping this kid!

Max and Tito about to do battle!

Gio getting some work in with Charlie

classic battle of beasts...Ray and Andy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

training, Mon Sep 28

Good class tonight! Christie, tough as ever, getting some good work in with the bigger guys...
Tough night tonight! The sparring was hard, tough matches. We went over an advanced escape plus more strategy to help develop a game plan. Here, Ray took it to Ryan tonight. Ray is well on his way...

Ryan getting some good work in with Jaime

again, Ryan and Ray...tough match

Ray on Maxs' back looking to finish

Charlie on Ryans' back, looking to finish

Dan and Jimmy working hard

Sunday, September 27, 2009

training, Sep 27-Oct2

this week, working on tightening up the Jiu Jitsu game! again, smaller movements, a lot more detail to make your Jiu Jitsu that much more effective...I don't care what anyone says, but it's the details that make your Jiu Jitsu potent! Here, Jeremy works for the sub on Jaime...
Mike! Smashing through Jaimes' defenses...

Mike, securing an elbow lock on Jeremy

Little Ben, with great Jiu Jitsu, looking for a sub, to finish the match with Mike. (I say "Little Ben" but this guy is a beast on the mat!)


beautiful Farieba comes in to watch and support, but...

...but ends up getting some work in. Jeremy, working with her on combination of attacks from the side mount...

Jaime working on an attack from the side mount. Jaime, in my opinion, is a rare breed...a man that puts the hard work in (the sacrifice), to get something in return. Most people want the reward before the hard work... (if this is you, sorry man, if what I said hurt your feelings)

Friday, September 25, 2009

training, Fri Sep 25

Whew! tough, tough guys, Andrew on Jeremy's back... Max and Jeremy go at it. Both of these men are working hard to get to the next level!

Gio taking it to Max! Gio, stay consistant! You have so much potential!

Mitchell giving Jeremy all that he can handle!

Andrew with beautiful Jiu Jitsu, here attacking Jaime with an Omo Plata!

Charlie attacking with his incredible Crucifix, back position!

Charlie takes Mitchells' back!

again, Charlie on Ben's back!

Charlie taking a quick nap, after thrashing all of his opponents!!!! His Jiu Jitsu is AWESOME!!! so, everyone got quiet so he could take a few minutes to rest....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

training, Thurs Sep 24

Worked some basic guard passing with great detail tonight. Again, lots of rolling and here we start off with Max and Ben.... Another good match up, Jaime and Tito. Here, Tito working a choke attempt. Their matches were back and forth...

Jaime applying pressure to Matt from the mount

Ben attacking Tito from the knee on stomach

Matt and Tito getting some good work in

Farieba and Max working the guard game

A great class, we did some talking about developing strategy to help with the Jiu Jitsu game. It's important to keep you're eye on the "Big Picture" of where you want to go as well as the "Small Picture, " the details to help you get there.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

training, Wed Sep 23

Jiu Jitsu requires many, many hours to be put in to advance to the next level. And out of those many hours, it's not always going to be fun. We spent a lot of time tonight repping out different scenarios of different sweeps and some cool entries to get into those positions. We also got a lot of sparring in, Jaime passes Fariebas guard off a failed choke attempt...
Jaime locks up Megan to attempt a sweep from the open guard

Ben, locking up Dan in his attempt to sweep from the open guard

Farieba working on her open guard sweeps with Christie

Christie in action against Ben...

Charlie, taking the night off due to some personal issues :-(
Poor Charlie...

Andrew and Ray working positions with Charlie yelling some encouraging words from the background

Ray locks up Andrew in his attempt to sweep. Man, Ray's Jiu Jitsu is looking better and better every week. He is a beast on the mat!
