Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Congratulations to Jaime Flores =New Blue Belt!

Jaime gets the Blue Belt in a surprise promotion! I have been impressed with this man from day 1. He impresses me when he gives a beating, He impresses me when he takes a beating but most of all...his ATTITUDE. He works very hard on the mat, and off the mat. Everyone loves him. He has INTEGRITY, DEDICATION, LOYALTY. He never complains. He is never the victim. He never feels sorry for himself. He pushes in training even when he feels less than stellar. He never comes up with excuses. He has high standards for himself. And he respects all of his training partners and the training enviorment. He looks after not only himself, but others. JAIME IS A HUGE ASSET TO THE TEAM! mark my words, look out for this man in the near future. HE WILL BLOW YOU AWAY!!! I'm not even psychic and I can tell you that this guy will be a Jiu Jitsu Star.
Charlie welcomes Jaime to the New Blue Belt...

Ryan welcomes Jaime to the New Blue Belt...

Jaime works with Matt...

Farieba on Fire!!! here she is working hard with Ryan...

And then, attacking Ray from the back mount! There is no stopping this kid!

Max and Tito about to do battle!

Gio getting some work in with Charlie

classic battle of beasts...Ray and Andy!


  1. congratulations jaime! your a cool meximan =) lol ...you deserve it bro....see you on the mat son! =)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW!!! Never saw this coming at all. Im still in shock. I dont have the right words to say how I feel. I'm just blown away. It's an honor to be part of Team Magnitude and to have Michio as my instructor. Thanks to all that put my butt in check, you guys are awesome training partners. Thanks Mich once again

  4. Good Job Jaime. That was quick! :D

  5. Awesome Jaime, congrats!!.. you definitely deserve it!!

