Wednesday, September 23, 2009

training, Wed Sep 23

Jiu Jitsu requires many, many hours to be put in to advance to the next level. And out of those many hours, it's not always going to be fun. We spent a lot of time tonight repping out different scenarios of different sweeps and some cool entries to get into those positions. We also got a lot of sparring in, Jaime passes Fariebas guard off a failed choke attempt...
Jaime locks up Megan to attempt a sweep from the open guard

Ben, locking up Dan in his attempt to sweep from the open guard

Farieba working on her open guard sweeps with Christie

Christie in action against Ben...

Charlie, taking the night off due to some personal issues :-(
Poor Charlie...

Andrew and Ray working positions with Charlie yelling some encouraging words from the background

Ray locks up Andrew in his attempt to sweep. Man, Ray's Jiu Jitsu is looking better and better every week. He is a beast on the mat!


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