Friday, August 28, 2009

training, Thurs Aug 27

Chalk up another good training session last night! We worked some great sweep combinations from the open guard and then got in 3 rounds of sparring.

Here, Charlie attacks Doug from the back mount...

Max fighting out of a triangle and throws a Pretzle counter attack back at Jaime! ;-) (and Max did escape the attempted triangle choke by the way!)

Max and Charlie getting some good training in. Max has been making big jumps in his Jiu Jitsu game! Keep it up Max!

Andrew working hard, as usual

Jaime improving his guard game

Ben, busted thumb and all, still looked incredible! He has smooth Jiu Jitsu!


  1. See you Tuesday at 07:30 pm sharp.
    Danny Nunez

  2. Danny! Are you in town brother? are you visiting or staying?

    what a surprise!

    looking forward to seeing you again!


  3. I be in town for vacation till September 8th. Can't wait to get some good rolling in.
