Monday, August 31, 2009

training Aug 31-Sep 3

This week, we will continue working the basics and getting a lot of drilling and repping of techniques.

Also, No Class this Friday, September 4.

Tonights class...

Ben working the arm lock with Max! Mad Max!!!

Christie, so tough! Here rolling with Ben

Tito attacking Jaime with Kesa Gatame

Dave working arm bars with Jimmy...

Farieba working the arm bar with Christie

Megan practicing the arm lock, and her mean face!

Ben on the receiving end of a choke!

Friday, August 28, 2009

training, Thurs Aug 27

Chalk up another good training session last night! We worked some great sweep combinations from the open guard and then got in 3 rounds of sparring.

Here, Charlie attacks Doug from the back mount...

Max fighting out of a triangle and throws a Pretzle counter attack back at Jaime! ;-) (and Max did escape the attempted triangle choke by the way!)

Max and Charlie getting some good training in. Max has been making big jumps in his Jiu Jitsu game! Keep it up Max!

Andrew working hard, as usual

Jaime improving his guard game

Ben, busted thumb and all, still looked incredible! He has smooth Jiu Jitsu!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

training Aug 23-28

We will be working on sweeps from the guard this week. In the pic, Ryan and Jeremy are getting some reps in to get comfortable with sweeps from the open guard... Got some good work in today! here, Ryan uses one of his solid guard passes. Ryan has beautiful Jiu Jitsu!
Wow! Jeremy catches Ryan in a reverse triangle! Like I said in a post a few weeks ago, never judge a book by it's cover! Jeremy has some tricks up his sleeve!

Keep pushing the water guys! and make sure to keep good nutrition thoughout the day, everyday! It really makes a difference.
Congrats to Max for competing yesterday! It was a valuable lesson for him on his way to the next level! Good job bro!

Friday, August 21, 2009

training, Thurs Aug 20

Great class last night! Everyone was tough and worked with each other with a lot of team work! This is a great match up, Andy and Andrew, good training partners for each other...
Max, working some of his magic gi chokes! He will be competing this upcoming weekend and we wish you luck!

Dan and Jaime working hard...

Everyone is on a strong push to get to the next level!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

training, Wed Aug 19

Lots of fun training last night! Here's Ray doing what he loves! Arm locks! Dave has a beautiful step around arm lock...

Ryan teaching the leg scissor choke

Megan practicing on Christie

because of his work schedule, Dan is able to make it to all the classes this week! He's doing great!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Congrats Andrew Lowen, New Blue Belt

Andrew has been working hard on his Jiu Jitsu and received a promotion tonight! He's about 170 lbs of pure energy, great Jiu Jitsu technique and a passion for life that lights up a room when he walks in! This man is always smiling!!!Tonight, we worked on an arm lock entry from the closed guard along with some finishing positions.

Charlie teaching the arm lock...
Jonathon working the arm lock

Andrew finishing up the arm lock...

It was a great class tonight with lots of good energy! Congrats once again to Andrew! His Jiu Jitsu combined with his wrestling equals a great Jiu Jitsu competitor!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

training Aug 16-21

This week we'll be working on drilling the basics. Within the basics are all the "hidden secrets" in Jiu Jitsu, so we will spend time repping, training, and drilling basic positioning and techniques. Refining your techniques takes diligent practice and focused effort. I hear from people that it gets boring to work the basics, they want to see the "Flashy moves." Repping and Drilling will help build up your conditioning and your game while minimizing injuries.
also, some of you guys are eating too close to class time. Be careful to plan your meals accordingly and once again, push the water. Up to a gallon a day (throughout the day) will make a huge difference!

Let's have a good week of training!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

training, Fri, Aug 14

Mike and Jeremy came up from San Diego for Friday class to get some training in. These guys are good! Jeremy is a Blue Belt under Mike Cusi and Mike is a Brown Belt under Roy Harris. We sparred for an hour and a half! We got 6-7 rounds in and everyone got to roll with everyone!here's Jeremy and Jaime getting some good training in...

Jeremy and Max go to battle!

Jeremy fighting off Mikes choke!

Mike and Charlie, two tough guys that are good at what they do!

Love what you guys do! Grapple each and every match like you LOVE IT! Enjoying the competion of each match is what keeps you sharp & passionate. Have fun guys! Because without passion, you're not going to fuel the fire!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

training Aug 10-14

This week, we started off with the Bent Arm Lock submission. We will cover different attacks and defenses using the Kimura. Happy 23rd B-Day today Ben! He's getting to be an old man ;-)before sparring, we ran some demonstration matches...

Dan inside of Ben's guard

Jaime taking the back of Fernando

Ryan Williams takes Andys' Back!
Let's get a good week of training in!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

training, Fri, Aug 7

On Friday we went over a triangle counter attack and some guard passing with grip detail. Like most classes, we got a lot of rolling in and I got to watch some great match ups like Ben and Andrew...Andrew is a very tough, tough guy and has been improving his Jiu Jitsu. He has been putting a lot of effort into his guard game and it shows.Max was on fire yesterday! He is adding a lot of combinations to his attacks and is flowing much more. This man loves his Jiu Jitsu!

He does end up in some weird, pretzel-like positions though!

but man, he kicked some butt! GOOD JOB Max!

Andrew finds himself in Max's pretzel guard!

The training this week was good! We have some guys out with some injuries though and that sucks. We also have some guys training through injuries but being smart and working around it, and that's part of the game.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

training, Aug 2-7

We're in the second half of the year! how is your training coming along? Are you reaching your goals? Or are you putting it off, waiting for the "Right time/perfect time?" Or are you one of those that has an excuse for everything? sorry for sounding so harsh...but someone has got to say it man... tell it to Jaime. He keeps a full work schedule, a family, hobbies, social life, and he comes in to train. No excuses. He takes a beating, gives a beating and works towards improvement, everyday. People tell Jaime to train, train, train, yet they, themselves don't show up, but Jaime does...Mark my words, HE WILL BE OUR NEXT JIU JITSU STAR. We have a handful of Jiu Jitsu fighters that are making the BIG JUMP in their game. I'm telling you guys, through thick and through thin, put the time in. Do the math. If you don't put the mat time in, the training time, YOU WILL HAVE HOLES IN YOUR GAME. Bring up the weak points of your game to where they are no longer weak points but your strong points. Go to the Next Level. Jiu Jitsu is more than just a game, it's a Life Style. It was once told to me, that everyone wants to BE Jiu Jitsu but they don't want to DO Jiu Jitsu! I won't lie to you, Jiu Jitsu is tough. So, it's not about you doing Jiu Jitsu, It's about HOW you do Jiu Jitsu! BE DEDICATED, BE DETERMINED, MAKE THE NEXT JUMP!
ok, after saying all that...let's go have a Beer!!!
