Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, training @ Haueters'

Drove up to Haueters' this morning to get some training. I met Charlie and Beth Ann, Jaime and Sophia, and their daughter, and Big Jim showed up to show support still a little sore from previous training. Here's Jaime kickin it with some of the fellas... and also, Jaime got a lot of rolling in... Charlie and Chris, great match up... Charlie rolling with Danny Suarez, one of Chris' Black Belts...

Chris Promoted his newest Black Belt, Darren Currie, visiting from England today. I'm just throwing my mug in the pic!

I was really impressed with one of Chris' Black Belts from England, Helen Currie.

She's been training 13 yrs. and tough as nails!

real technical, with a lot of heart. She rolled with all the advanced belts, no matter what size they were.

She's tiny @ 5'1", 115lbs. but she's like Dynamite (in a small package!) Thanks for the roll Helen!


Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, Bon Voyage Daniel!

Daniel is making a huge life change and moving himself to Mammoth Mountain to live and work. We are happy for him that he is chasing a dream. At the same time we are sad to lose such a valuable teammate. Daniel has trained with us for close to three years and he will sorely be missed. I'm hoping that he continues his Jiu Jitsu training because he has the potential to be an awesome Black Belt someday. To watch him over the last three years and the improvements that he made, have been remarkable. No offense to Daniel, but when he first started, during mat time, people always said, "Where's Daniel, I need someone to Tap!" but now, when mat time comes, they call it Daniel Dodging...people try to hide from him for fear of being manhandled and forced to tap! We threw a little celebration for Daniel tonight to let him know how important he is and to support him in whatever he chooses to do.
special thanks to Jaime and Sophia, Max, Charlie and Beth Ann for the help in setting up the party.
we also Played some SUMO WRESTLING!!!

the matches were short and intense!

sorry for the blurry pics but it was so much fun!

Daniel, Good luck to you and keep in touch!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

training July 26-31

This is it! Last week of July! This year is going by fast. There are guys on the team that are making BiG JuMps in their Jiu Jitsu game. My hats off to them. They put in the time, and it shows. Some are doing the extras with their strength and conditioning. Some are really careful with their diets. And some put the extra study time in... The extra work off the mat is benificial especially if you're a competitor. And training can be really tough...especially when your coach is screaming in your ear to push you to the next level! Once again, I would like to acknowledge Jaime. He is training very hard. I have had many students over the years and I see something special in this man. Keep it up Jaime!
The weather is hot! Get your water in! and get your butts in to train!!!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

training July 19-24

Started the week off with training Attacks and control from the Back mount. Nothing is worse than having someone taking your back and choking you while you make eye contact with your friends, family and your girlfriend that are watching you :-( and then you have to tap or go to sleep! HA!On a different note: The weather is nice and warm! Make sure you guys get plenty of water throughout the day!

Jaimes' friends call him crazy for training so much! What do you guys think? -Michio

Sunday, July 12, 2009

training July 12-17, Never judge a book by it's cover

I have seen many "Big guys" tap to little guys over the years and I ALWAYS love the expression on their faces like they couldn't believe they tapped to a "Little guy!" He, hee, hee...It cracks me up. I had one prospective student come in and upon observing class say, "Well, I can curl a 185 lb barbell, so that means I can just bend a 185 lb guy in half!" I told him that he would have a hard time doing that to a Jiu Jitsu guy! and sure enough, he joined and I witnessed him tapping many, many times to "Little guys" over and over again!" ...very humbling!

that just goes to show, never Judge a book by it's cover...Me personally, have gotten my ass handed to me, many a times by guys a lot smaller than me, older than me, and more outta shape than me (fitness wise.) That's the Power of Jiu Jitsu! Jiu Jitsu is about Angles, Positioning, Leverage, and timing. Jiu Jitsu is very technique dominant. And one that studys Jiu Jitsu seriously, has a huge advantage! BE CAREFUL!!! The reason I started this rant is because I saw Jeremy go through everyone on Sunday class! He's only 145 lbs and kicked all of our butts! He is very unasssuming, really super nice, and softspoken...UNTIL YOU GET HIM ON THE MAT!!!

I am very proud of him.

This week we're going to continue working on Positioning and we're also going to work on footlocks, attacks and defenses...
Keep pushing the water, stay hydrated, you athletes! and let's have a good week of training!
Also, I want to say THANK YOU!!! to Jaime and Sophia for throwing a great UFC Party last night for all the guys!!! The food was awesome and you guys were such great hosts!!!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

training July 5-10

We had some tough Mock Matches on Monday Night! Here, Andy and Ray went at it displaying some excellent Jiu Jitsu!
This week, we will continue working postional and submission escapes along with top and bottom attacks and defenses. Escapes may be boring to work and train for most people but they are essential. You're in for a long day if you cannot escape. On the other hand, it's very frustrating for the guy on top if he cannot even keep position and cannot even try a submission because he's just trying to hang on to keep you from escaping. take care of yourselves and be serious about your training! You will get out of it what you put into it.


Friday, July 3, 2009

July 03, training @ Haueters'

We drove up to train @ Chris' new school this morning and we had a blast! Ben, Mike, his two students, Vince & Jeremy and I drove up together and met Jim up in San Pedro. The drive there took a little while (got lost!) but the drive back, Sucked!!! We drove through Holiday Traffic! took me almost 3 hrs to get home and the other guys even longer to get home! But we all agreed, it was worth it to get good training in with new and different people to help to improve our Jiu Jitsu game!

Mike & Chris, two Studs on the Mat!
This was the first time these two guys to watch!
Chris brings up my game faster than anyone I roll with! He is SOLID!!!

We weren't sure what the BMF on Karls belt stood for??? But he and Jim were two Big guys, COLLIDING!!!
Here's us posing for a pic after training!
