Friday, July 3, 2009

July 03, training @ Haueters'

We drove up to train @ Chris' new school this morning and we had a blast! Ben, Mike, his two students, Vince & Jeremy and I drove up together and met Jim up in San Pedro. The drive there took a little while (got lost!) but the drive back, Sucked!!! We drove through Holiday Traffic! took me almost 3 hrs to get home and the other guys even longer to get home! But we all agreed, it was worth it to get good training in with new and different people to help to improve our Jiu Jitsu game!

Mike & Chris, two Studs on the Mat!
This was the first time these two guys to watch!
Chris brings up my game faster than anyone I roll with! He is SOLID!!!

We weren't sure what the BMF on Karls belt stood for??? But he and Jim were two Big guys, COLLIDING!!!
Here's us posing for a pic after training!


1 comment:

  1. Like always looks like fun ! Cant wait to get back up to Chris's. Im glad Mike and his guys got a chance to make it. New training partners is what we all need to progress and get better ! Hope all you have a great 4th stay safe and i will see you all soon.
