Sunday, July 26, 2009

training July 26-31

This is it! Last week of July! This year is going by fast. There are guys on the team that are making BiG JuMps in their Jiu Jitsu game. My hats off to them. They put in the time, and it shows. Some are doing the extras with their strength and conditioning. Some are really careful with their diets. And some put the extra study time in... The extra work off the mat is benificial especially if you're a competitor. And training can be really tough...especially when your coach is screaming in your ear to push you to the next level! Once again, I would like to acknowledge Jaime. He is training very hard. I have had many students over the years and I see something special in this man. Keep it up Jaime!
The weather is hot! Get your water in! and get your butts in to train!!!


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