Sunday, June 28, 2009

training June 28-July 3

This week we'll be focusing on Escapes from the bottom of the Side Mount. If you cannot escape from this inferior're in for a long day! We started Sunday off with some escape technique with some drill work with some conditioning. It was a very tough workout but good.

and then after...
Ben has been on fire lately! After class, he'll do extra conditioning work with Kettlebells and Medicine Ball work. He is making Big jumps in his Jiu Jitsu game because of all the "extras" that he puts into his training!

Pushing yourself is one thing...but having a coach in your face, making sure you get the most out of your a whole different Ball Game! Huh Ben? Pierce won't let Ben get away with sloppy form and has him do extra reps!
Dont' mess with the Bull...You'll get the horns!!!


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