Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 26, Stronghold comes to train

Mike, Jeremy, and Miguel drove up from San Diego to train with us on Friday. These guys have so much skill and are very, very nice guys.We did four six minute rounds of sparring...

During the technique portion of class, we worked some chokes from the side mount. I taught some techniques and Mike showed some techniques.

Lot of good matches!

Lot of tough matches!

Thanks Mike for coming up! Everyone had good things to say about you and your students!


  1. Looks like i missed another good one ! While u guys were gitting your BJJ on i was in Alexandria Vergina ! its nice out here. got to see A little of Washington DC. On my way to PA to see Bethanns Fam. Train hard and I will see you when i get back.

  2. super fun class, i went home thinking!

    ps. hey charlie =) have a safe trip back home!

  3. That was a lot of fun!! Mike's guys are really nice, and they have some great Jiu Jitsu skills to match!!!

    I can't wait until they come back! I didnt get a chance to roll with Mike this time, but if his students are any indication of how good he is...... he must be AWESOME!.

    Thank you Michio for inviting them down to train with us!

