Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29, training @ Haueters'

I WAS NOT FEELING GOOD TODAY! But I gave my word to Chris that I would be there to train, so I went. I got training in, the best that I could offer for how I was feeling but I still had a good time with everyone! I think, that's two visits in a row to Chris' that I was under the weather. I think it could be all the personal issues I have going on...but WHATEVER! Good group of guys! Lot's of rolling, Chris taught his guard passing system along with how to stop it! I'm telling you, he's a generous guy! I've been to places and students will ask, "How do you stop that?" Yeah right, they don't tell you...IT'S A SECRET! ...they sayMan, watching Chris roll with the guys is impressive! He is so solid all the way around. He is patient, persistent, with a lot of pressure. I think his Guard Passing is Top Notch. That's 20 + years of work that's gone into that!Here we are, out to lunch, after training! Lot's of fun! Chris, Melissa, Mike, Sam, and me about to chow down!!!

Thusday night...

Last night was a good training session, lot's of energy and it was exciting for me to watch the guys constantly improve!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Training May 24-29

We're almost at the half way point for the year! How has your training been? Have you been able to accomplish some of the things that you set out for yourself? I know it's all a work in progress but definitely set goals for yourself. Set short-term goals as well as Mid-term goals and of course Long-term Goals.

For example, I've been working on my own game plan for years and it's constantly evolving and changing directions but here are some examples...

short-term goal: to increase pressure from the bottom game and implement more angled attacks such as the Omo Plata series. I've always loved Omo Platas and have used them for many years but I'm working on increasing the pressure and decreasing the amount of space that I need to attack with. Also working them in combination with other attacks and set ups. I'm also working on Omo Platas from all positions.

Mid-term goal: I'm working on increasing the amount of attacks that I do per match. This requires a great amount of stamina and Mental toughness. So, I've been putting a lot into my conditioning and nutrition and watching my weight. I've also increased the amount of competitions that I compete in to work on my competition Jiu Jitsu.

Long-Term Goal: I'm working on my Black Belt. As I told Chris, It's up to him when he feels that I'm ready for promotion. I have an idea of what a Black Belt should be and I will constantly work, everyday, to acheive this.

So, this is an example of goal setting, taken out of my Journals. Of course, my Journals are much more detailed, but I wanted to give you and example for you to work or compare with.

Today's class was awesome! Jesse Taylor stopped by and during sparring we rolled a good 20 minutes non-stop of positional exchanges and submission attacks! Did he tap me or did I tap him? I'm not going to tell you...I don't kiss and tell ;-)

as far as group instruction, we worked arm triangle choke series, attacks and position.

here, Ben and Jesse went at it for a good 15 minutes...
Jaime and Jeremy were also in attendance and we all got a good workout in!

We will have class tomorrow, Memorial Day at 8pm. hopefully, you can make it!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sat, May 23, Jims' B-Day/UFC Party

We got almost everyone in the pic...
There was plenty of food and the fights were decent and the Machida fight was awesome! Very exciting! Thank you Jim and Renee for the fun party! It took a while for Renee to light up all the candles for Jim to blow out...there were so many! they threw a great party and everyone had a great time!

A bunch of the guys did some hard training before the fights and a bunch of the guys had some bouts after watching the UFC! For me, as a spectator, I had fun watching these guys throwing submissions at each other! Jaime and Andrew were in top form after watching the UFC fights and were fired up to win! This was just one of many matches for the evening! :-)

Fridays' Class group pic...
Yesterday, was a good group of guys training. We trained an omo plata attack combined with a sweep. It was a combo more for the advanced grappler but I think everyone did well with it.

We will have Class this Sunday @ 2, No-Gi and Monday night, Memorial Day @ 8, No-Gi. So, if you're up to it, let's train!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

training May 17-22

This week, we're going to focus on drilling a lot of the basics. The drilling will help build the techniques to where they become second nature. If you're in a good match and you're thinking about your technique and when to do it, you're too slow. Your Jiu Jitsu should flow most often time without pause. We will be doing many repetitions and as they say, repetition is the mother of all skills, you will gain new insight to your Jiu Jitsu. Drilling is hard work and often times, is very boring for most people. But like lifting weights, drilling will help to build strength and conditioning in the body and mind to execute the techniques during a match.
Do a lot of your thinking off the mat through studying, analyzing, and research. Use visualization to help condition your mind. Work on developing a game plan of attacks that you like to utilize from the positions that you favor most. Keep a good attitude and know that whatever happens, you will learn from it. It's all about experience. The way you interpret your experience will shape your perspective and in turn will help you translate your Jiu Jitsu game.
Big Jims' Birthday is the 21st! Renee will be throwing a Birthday/UFC party on Saturday, 23rd @ 7pm for him!
Hope you guys can make it! He has a beautiful mat set up at his house and will have Open Mat from 4-6pm before the fights. So, bring your Gi and let's train!


Friday, May 15, 2009

training, Fri, May 15

Better than some UFC match ups that we see on Pay per View!... The only thing that we were missing when watching Marco and Ben roll, was the popcorn and soda! That match was back and forth with submissions thrown at each other at a furious pace!

Today was such a great class!

It was fast paced, lots of energy and a lot of good matches during sparring! Here's Dan taking it to Andy! Every week, Dan makes big jumps in his game.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

training May 11-15

I want to thank Charlie for teaching classes for me when I need him to. He has really come through for me when times are tough. He is my Best Friend and I love him like a brother! Some of you guys know that my Mom is in the hospital and is about to pass away and my emotions are all over the place. I was planning on competing this up coming weekend but emotionally, I'm not 100%. So, I'm going to wait. I also want to say thank you for all the e-mails and phone calls from friends offering help or assistance! It means a lot to me!

This Week, we are continuing Guard attacks, focusing on the Butterfly guard.

Andy (above pic), attacking Dan with an
attempted Traingle choke! Andys'
bottom game has come a long way! He constantly keeps working on it and he is a tough guy!

Jaime stuck in Rays' Butterfly guard. I think Ray has one of the best Butterfly guards on our team!

Eveyones' Butterfly guard game has made a big jump! The Butterfly guard is good for Gi and No-gi Grappling and will boost your bottom game up dramatically!

Daniel attempting to pass David's guard!

Jim is having a UFC/Birthday Party On Saturday, May 23. Hope you can make it! It's going to be a Blast! Let me or Jim know that you want to come so you can get directions. He also has a flyer posted in the Dojo with his address.

Happy 21st Birthday Jim!!!

Keep up the good work guys!


Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, training @ Haueters'

Marco and I made the trip out this morning to train with Chris in Redondo Beach. We had a good time and got some hard training in. Marco looked fantastic! His guard game and his hip movement are very advanced for the Blue Belt level. GOOD JOB MARCO! There were 4 Black Belts there training and Marco when he first got there was like...Oh no! this is going to be tough! Chris taught some good guard passes, attacking the butterfly guard!
Black Belt, Eddie Martinez standing with Chris' Black Eye after training!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

training May 3-8

This Week, We're going to focus on controlling and attacking from the Guard.Lots of tournaments coming up in May! I plan on competing in The Grappling X tournament (No Gi) in a couple of weeks and The Grappling Circuit (Gi) the week after that.

The Sunday Wrecking Crew!

Wow! Sunday training for me, was one of the BEST training sessions I've had in a long time! We had so much fun! We got a lot of rolling in and went over a system of attacks from the Traingle Position. We also covered transitional training for Jiu Jitsu! Also, ADAM! His Jiu Jitsu is Blowing up!!!! For only a little over a year of training, he is leaps and bounds over where I was at when I was at a year of training! Jaime, Oh man...only a few months of training...I guarantee at his rate of improvement...give him another 6 Months...WATCH OUT!!! Jeremy, oh Jeremy, you have a bright future ahead of you buddy keep up the good work!!! Just messing around with my computer...having some fun!

Train Hard but Smart!
