Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29, training @ Haueters'

I WAS NOT FEELING GOOD TODAY! But I gave my word to Chris that I would be there to train, so I went. I got training in, the best that I could offer for how I was feeling but I still had a good time with everyone! I think, that's two visits in a row to Chris' that I was under the weather. I think it could be all the personal issues I have going on...but WHATEVER! Good group of guys! Lot's of rolling, Chris taught his guard passing system along with how to stop it! I'm telling you, he's a generous guy! I've been to places and students will ask, "How do you stop that?" Yeah right, they don't tell you...IT'S A SECRET! ...they sayMan, watching Chris roll with the guys is impressive! He is so solid all the way around. He is patient, persistent, with a lot of pressure. I think his Guard Passing is Top Notch. That's 20 + years of work that's gone into that!Here we are, out to lunch, after training! Lot's of fun! Chris, Melissa, Mike, Sam, and me about to chow down!!!

Thusday night...

Last night was a good training session, lot's of energy and it was exciting for me to watch the guys constantly improve!


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