Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, training @ Haueters'

Marco and I made the trip out this morning to train with Chris in Redondo Beach. We had a good time and got some hard training in. Marco looked fantastic! His guard game and his hip movement are very advanced for the Blue Belt level. GOOD JOB MARCO! There were 4 Black Belts there training and Marco when he first got there was like...Oh no! this is going to be tough! Chris taught some good guard passes, attacking the butterfly guard!
Black Belt, Eddie Martinez standing with Chris' Black Eye after training!



  1. It's great to see everyone working hard. I can't wait to get back into training!

  2. Good job to those I rolled with on Monday. Max's game has grown substantially. He got me in a nice triangle. It is great to see those of you whom dedicate yourselves. Your improvement is obvious and well deserved.
