We're in the second half of the year! how is your training coming along? Are you reaching your goals? Or are you putting it off, waiting for the "Right time/perfect time?" Or are you one of those that has an excuse for everything? sorry for sounding so harsh...
but someone has got to say it man...
tell it to Jaime. He keeps a full work schedule, a family, hobbies, social life, and he comes in to train. No excuses. He takes a beating, gives a beating and works towards improvement, everyday. People tell Jaime to train, train, train, yet they, themselves don't show up, but Jaime does...Mark my words,

We have a handful of Jiu Jitsu fighters that are making the BIG JUMP in their game. I'm telling you guys, through thick and through thin, put the time in. Do the math. If you don't put the mat time in, the training time, YOU WILL HAVE HOLES IN YOUR GAME.
Bring up the weak points of your game to where they are no longer weak points but your strong points. 
Go to the Next Level. Jiu Jitsu is more than just a game, it's a Life Style. It was once told to me, that everyone wants to
BE Jiu Jitsu but they don't want to
DO Jiu Jitsu! I won't lie to you, Jiu Jitsu is tough. So, it's not about you doing Jiu Jitsu, It's about
HOW you do Jiu Jitsu!
ok, after saying all that...let's go have a Beer!!!
Thanks for the kind words Mich. Im doing the best that I can. I dont know about being the next Jiu Jitsu star but I want to be the best that I can be. I want to thank everyone on the team for kicking my butt, without great training partners I would not be progressing. Everyones's game is progressing quite rapidly as well. Once again Im grateful for having a great instuctor and an awesome family who understands why I am so dedicated to this sport.