I have seen many "Big guys" tap to little guys over the years and I
ALWAYS love the expression on their faces like they couldn't believe they tapped to a "Little guy!" He, hee, hee...It cracks me up. I had one prospective student come in and upon observing class say, "Well, I can curl a 185 lb barbell, so that means I can just bend a 185 lb guy in half!" I told him that he would have a hard time doing that to a Jiu Jitsu guy! and sure enough, he joined and I witnessed him tapping many, many times to "Little guys" over and over again!" ...very humbling!
that just goes to show, never Judge a book by it's cover...Me personally, have gotten my ass handed to me, many a times by guys a lot smaller than me, older than me, and more outta shape than me (fitness wise.) That's the Power of Jiu Jitsu! Jiu Jitsu is about Angles, Positioning, Leverage, and timing. Jiu Jitsu is very technique dominant. And one that studys Jiu Jitsu seriously, has a huge advantage! BE CAREFUL!!!
The reason I started this rant is because I saw Jeremy go through everyone on Sunday class! He's only 145 lbs and kicked all of our butts! He is very unasssuming, really super nice, and softspoken...UNTIL YOU GET HIM ON THE MAT!!!
I am very proud of him.
This week we're going to continue working on Positioning and we're also going to work on footlocks, attacks and defenses...

Keep pushing the water, stay hydrated, you athletes! and let's have a good week of training!
Also, I want to say THANK YOU!!! to Jaime and Sophia for throwing a great UFC Party last night for all the guys!!! The food was awesome and you guys were such great hosts!!!
I would like to thank everyone who was able to make it to the UFC party Sophia and I hosted. It was alot of fun we enjoyed everyone's company.
Thanks Jaime and Sopia for the great time ! Cant wait to do it again.
dude jaime im stoked your on the team, your a f'in cool guy! thanx sophia and jaime for havin me over,good times....such a fun class tonight.... thanks charlie for lettin me vent 2 u =) your the man i needed that!. and thanks michio, im very greatful for meeting you, thanks for everything you have taught me, i cant wait to see what the future has in store for me =) madmax lol
Thanks for all of the kind words. I am very glad to have so many great training partners and an awesome instructor!!!.
Thinking back to when I first started, It blows me away how much we all have improved in such a short time!!!! there is no question about it in my mind, Team Magnitude is the ONLY place if your are serious about learning Jiu Jitsu!!!
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