There was plenty of food and the fights were decent and the Machida fight was awesome! Very exciting! Thank you Jim and Renee for the fun party!
It took a while for Renee to light up all the candles for Jim to blow out...there were so many! they threw a great party and everyone had a great time!

A bunch of the guys did some hard training before the fights and a bunch of the guys had some bouts after watching the UFC! For me, as a spectator, I had fun watching these guys throwing submissions at each other!
Jaime and Andrew were in top form after watching the UFC fights and were fired up to win! This was just one of many matches for the evening! :-)
Yesterday, was a good group of guys training. We trained an omo plata attack combined with a sweep. It was a combo more for the advanced grappler but I think everyone did well with it.

We will have Class this Sunday @ 2, No-Gi and Monday night, Memorial Day @ 8, No-Gi. So, if you're up to it, let's train!
Great class as always. I got to roll around with Eric R and Jeremy for the first time in a while. It was fun those guys have great JJ. Good to see you guys and all the other familiar faces. Lets have some fun tonight and them back to training !!!!!
Bummed I'm gonna miss the fights but I will be working a DUI check point at the Valley Center grade south bound. If you question yourself, "Have I had too many?" Just don't drive! Can't wait to get back to training, Monday had a SWAT call out so i had to miss. As for tomorrow...taking the kids to the Military gravesites at Point Loma to talk about what Memorial Day is about. Happy birthday Jim. Wish the best for the team, Russ
Thanks Charlie!! Your BJJ is awesome man! Very solid and technical.
I had a great time at class last night. It was great seeing everyone and rolling with the team. I need to come back to class more often. Honestly, yesterday's class was a big eye openner for me. Michio taught some awesome stuff and I've been working on some problems in my game. Yesterday everything clicked and the light went on. I think it was a combination of the stuff Michio was teaching and rolling with the team I really realized what I was doing wrong in my game.
Awesome class! Also, guys you are all studs!!!
Man, that party at Jim's was great! There was way more food than I could hope to eat... what good hosts. Jim, you need to have b-days like once a month or something... :D
The rolling afterward was really cool, too. Jaime was tough and determined, so it made for a really fun match. It seems like he's getting really fast, too. Also, my buddy Tyler had a great time learning techniques and rolling. I'm gonna try to bring him to Jitsu a few nights and then see if he may like to sign up. He loves the idea of grappling like this - it's right down his alley! The clincher for him is that he will be able to make work the next day, which from what we all showed him and from his own experiences, he was happy about it.
lots of fun messing around after... felt like a little kid. Lol.
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