This week's training we are going to focus on arm drag variations and set-ups. Also work some snag singles and level changes. On Sunday we started with the inside step arm drag and arm drags to single and double legs. It's cool how the arm drags set up leg attacks. The guys that are brand new to arm drags have to really go slow to get the coordination down. I bet you will be really surprised at how much detail goes into the arm drag but it's a great technique. On the ground, we are focusing on transitioning to the mount and attacking from the mount. I am also giving the guys "homework" assignments. I want them to come back at the end of the week with 2-3 favorite techniques from 2 attacking positions. I'm curious to see who brings what.
Congrats to Daniel Smith on his Blue Belt Promotion! He has been training for a little over two years and is a huge asset to the team! Way to go man!
Congrats to Daniel Smith on his Blue Belt Promotion! He has been training for a little over two years and is a huge asset to the team! Way to go man!
this week was pretty sick. although, i didnt get the homework asignment. one of these weeks we should work arm drags form the bottom!
This stuff really brings back memories of what my bread and butter moves were in Wrestling.
That double leg I like a lot is complemented a lot by the run the pipe single leg. We should work on double leg to knee taps -- that's the other part of my bread and butter. It works really well with a double leg or run the pipe single.
andrew, maybe I can have you teach that double leg to knee tap? I mean if you don't mind sharing your bread and butter ;-)
The single leg takedown worked really well for me, I managed to apply it a couple times already rolling around. Of course, when I got to the ground I was fumbling. But hey, thats what next week is for! Haha.
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