Sunday, September 7, 2014

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the older athlete

Training BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the 40 and over athlete

Many athletes start Jiu Jitsu in their 30's and 40's!  This is not just a young athlete sport!  Jiu Jitsu is for everyone!
Mat time workshops lessons for the over 40 older athlete
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BJJ training for the older ahtlete

Afternoon BJJ Jiu Jitsu training, every Tuesday and Thursday at noon!  Come on in and have some fun!!

Afternoon lunch bunch BJJ Jiu Jitsu crew
Afternoon Weekday BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training Oceanside
Congrats to Eric Rivard and his family on the new addition!

New Baby welcome to the Jiu Jitsu team
New baby Jiu Jitsu addition!
Dallin Reeves Rivard...welcome!

Congrats Natalie Estrada on her Jiu Jitsu Stripe Promotion!
congratulations Natalie Estrada on your BJJ JIu Jitsu kids promotion in Oceanside
Natalie Estrada with Jiu Jitsu coaches John Lemus and Michio Grubbs

Awesome week at Excel Jiu Jitsu!!

See you on the mat!

-Team Excel Jiu Jitsu

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