Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Interview with Bubba Pugh

Bubba is known for his toughness, his skills and is quite the athlete.  He has been training Jiu Jitsu for 4yrs + and currently holds the rank of Purple Belt under Michio Grubbs, has a wrestling background and is an MMA fighter.  He trains is striking with Billy Schiebe and Sio Makihele and currently holds a 3-1 record in MMA.  Bubba has a fight coming up in Oceanside on Aug 24th, 2013. 

Oceanside Boxing, Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Mixed Martial Arts in Oceanside
Bubba Pugh of Excel Jiu Jitsu Oceanside
Ø  I'm going to cut right to the chase; What drives you?
Bubba:  To make a better life for myself in the future, the Jiu Jitsu overall active lifestyle to sustain for the rest of my life.

Ø  How do you see your future in Jiu Jitsu? in MMA?
Bubba:  In Jiu Jitsu, I see myself getting a Black Belt one day.  It's been a goal of mine before I even started to hopefully get the Black Belt before I turn 30 years old.   I'm somewhat on pace but since I started MMA, doing two sports now, the pace is slowed, just a little.  My goal with MMA is to one day get into the UFC.  I didn't really get into MMA to be a World Champion but I got into MMA for the love of the sport.  I've been a fan of the UFC since about 9th grade and I always felt like I could do it.  I see my future as Bright!

Oceanside Boxing, Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Mixed Martial Arts in Oceanside
Bubba Pugh tough Jiu Jitsu competitor
Ø  Do you inspire people?
Bubba:  I believe that I do so...quietly.  Whether it's just showing up every day, being somewhere, where I say I'm going to be and  then when I get there...not lollygagging though a workout and there is no lack of energy when I'm teaching, so yes, I do inspire people through my actions.

Ø  In your mind, what does it take to be an MMA fighter?
Bubba:  Heart would be number one.  Determination.  You have to have a purpose because if you're going to fight just to fight, you're probably going to stall out.  You should have an end goal.  Don't take fights just to say that you're an MMA fighter.  So, Heart, Determination and Purpose.

Ø  Give us a typical day in the life of Bubba Pugh.
Bubba:  If I have a fight lined up, upon awakening, I'll run in the morning then I have to be to work by 7am until 4pm.  Come home, take a shower go to the gym, run again at least 3 miles then depending on what day of the week it is, I'm either going home changing and then head out to the gym to teach or go and get another workout with boxing or sparring.  So, I work and I train!  That's my typical day.

Oceanside Boxing, Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Mixed Martial Arts in Oceanside
Bubba Pugh, exciting MMA Fighter
Ø  what weight do you fight at?
Bubba:  I've had 3 fights at 185lbs and one fight at 170.

Ø  Tell us a little bit about your Pre-Fight prep.
Bubba:  If I'm fighting at 170 the first thing that I start is my diet because I usually walk around about 195lbs.  So first thing is cleaning up my diet, eating strictly white meat protein, fish, chicken and as many vegetables as I can.  Start up my Cardio training as soon as possible and start sharpening up my skills in my game plan for whomever I may be fighting, whether it be a wrestler or striker.

Ø  What is the mental difference between a Jiu Jitsu competition and an MMA fight?
 Bubba:  The first thing that pops into my head is the harm that can be done to you in an MMA fight.  I mean, in a Jiu Jitsu match, you do have the capability of getting hurt but when you throw the strikes in there, it is a different ballgame.  The mental side of Jiu Jitsu you have the scoreboard that you're playing to, to look at to gauge how much time is left and the point system in the match so you can play your game plan accordingly.  In an MMA fight, once the fight starts, you may think you're winning but you may be losing on the judges score card or vice versa.  So, it's definitely different in the mental approach.

Oceanside Boxing, Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Mixed Martial Arts in Oceanside
Bubba Pugh winning Jiu Jitsu tournaments

Ø  What is Bubba's Kryptonite?  What is your weakness?
Bubba: Time.  Trying to get as much in without burning myself out.  Well...well, my weakness is ice cream!  lol

Ø  You are an Instructor at Excel Jiu Jitsu MMA.  Give the readers a little insight on your coaching philosophy and why your classes are the bomb?
Bubba:  The sport of MMA is tough in general so my coaching philosophy...I try to incorporate as much intensity into the classes as much as possible without scaring people off...well, I'm working on that, not scaring people off!  Lol!!!  But when it comes to sparring you have to give and take, just like a Jiu Jitsu sparring session.  When your training partner is brand new to the striking game you don't want to just wail on him!  You have to give and take.  When it comes to the cardio portion of the class, we try to push as hard as we can.  My classes are the bomb because it is so full of energy, lots of enthusiasm with a lot of variety. 

Ø  Why choose Excel Jiu Jitsu MMA? 
Bubba:  The training partners, the coaches, the environment, the overall lifestyle that you gain whether it's Jiu Jitsu or MMA or both.  The way the training makes you go home at night feeling like you've accomplished something for the day, like you've learned something and got a workout in at the same time.

Ø  How important is it for fighter/competitor to stay focused on their training program ?
Bubba:  It's probably one of the most important parts.  Once you get into a routine, your body accepts what you're doing then it becomes easier and easier every day.  But when you break the routine, it makes it much harder to keep it going.  So, I would say that routine would be the most important.

Ø  What  else do you do besides combat sports?  What other hobbies do you have?
Bubba:  Hanging out with my girlfriend but training is not only my job, it's my hobby too.  If I'm not at the gym or not at work, I'm hanging out with my girlfriend.

Ø  What does your girlfriend say about you fighting MMA?  How about your friends?
Bubba:    She was nervous at first but she is very supportive of it and she wants me to accomplish what I want to do.  She feels the more support that I get, the more I will push myself.  My friends think it's cool.  I get a lot of good feedback on Facebook or text messages.  Or just talking with someone in person...I get a lot of good feedback.

Oceanside Boxing, Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Mixed Martial Arts in Oceanside
Bubba Pugh and his girl, Brittni Vasquez
Ø  Your dad trains with you and takes your classes.  That tough son of a gun, Joe Pugh!  What's it like having him around, not only as a true supporter but as a solid training partner and exceptional student?
Bubba:  He is definitely a solid training partner.  It's hard to find people who can mimic his strength even for how old he is lol!  Not too many people that I come across is as strong as he is.  When he wraps his arms around you, it's hard to get him off you!  When it comes to striking, it's a little easier because he is so new to striking.  But it is cool to have him around, because I don't have much time during the day to give out but we get to spend quality time together and get some  training in at the same time.

Ø  What would you say to someone just starting out, looking to get into MMA?
Bubba:  Learn the ground game first!  That was the route that I took first.  I have a lot of respect for the ground game so work on your Jiu Jitsu, work on your defense.  Make sure your basics in boxing are solid and make sure to build and work on your game plan.  Take amateur fights first before you fight Pro and find the right gym and the right coaches.  And most of all, have as much fun as possible!

Ø  Would you like to say anything to your teammates, coaches and training partners?
Bubba:  Thank you is the number one thing!  Thanks to everyone that shows up.  To all the coaches I ever had whether it's been wrestling back in high school, my Jiu Jitsu coaches, boxing coaches, Muay Thai!

Sio Makihele, Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Mixed Martial Arts in Oceanside
Bubba Pugh wrapping hands with Coach Sio Makihele
Ø  Shout Outs to all your friends, fans and readers of this interview?
Bubba:  Special "Thank You's" for my family members that support me.  Gotta give a Big thanks to my girlfriend for allowing me the time to train.  There are times that we could be hanging out and she says, "Don't you have to train today?" and that makes it a lot easier for me.  Gotta thank my boss at my work for allowing me to fight and if I show up with a black eye to's ok! 

In no specific order; I want to give "Extra Thanks!" to Michio Grubbs, my Jiu Jitsu coach; Charlie Grant, also my Jiu Jitsu coach; Coaches Jon Romero and Corey Bennin; Sio Makihele, Billy Shiebe my striking coaches; my number one training partner, Ray Sloan, gotta thank Armando Contreras for being there for me as a training partner as much as he can;  My Dad for showing up and sticking it out, even though at times it's rough for him!;  It's hard to name every single person that I want to say thank you to but to all the people that support me and to all the people who ever bought tickets to my fights.

I have my next fight on August 24th in Oceanside..."Beat down on the Beach!"  at the Junior Seau Amphitheatre by the Pier. The best way to get tickets to watch me fight would be call the gym at 760-726-2279 or get a hold of me through Facebook.  Or come and stop by the gym, Excel Jiu Jitsu in Oceanside.  It's going to be a great fight!

 Thanks for the Interview Bubba!

-Excel Jiu Jitsu MMA & Fitness

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