Thursday, December 13, 2012

EXCEL End of year/Promotion Party

 EXCEL had their end of the year/Promotion party last Sunday, Dec 9.  It was a blast!  We had a one hour open mat from 2-3, Promotions from 3-4, then Upper Crust Pizza from 4:30- 8:30!

Great Spirited, hard working, and super friendly group of people!
 Team atmosphere is what really brings everything to the top!
Andy Atkinson gets promoted to the Brown Belt!
 Promotions are a symbol of the hard work, effort and dedication put in.  Our team had about 25 people receive Stripe and Belt promotions this week!  Promotions are earned throughout the year but it was cool to see so many in one week.

John Lemus and Berto Alvarez working hard
Congrats to Peter Flotron on his first stripe promotion in Jiu Jitsu!
Everyone has so much fun training!  It's addicting!!
Peter Flotron and Dan Hoopes training hard!
 Training throughout the year, year in/year out is the hallmark of a Jiu Jitsu fighter!
Levi Summerlin and Sean Pura
 You cannot learn Jiu Jitsu by yourself.  Having great training partners, solid instruction and coaching, and a team atmosphere will help to accelerate your performance!
Nathan Murphy and TC Watts
 Pushing yourself through the highs and lows of training requires substantial dedication and commitment.
Sean Pura and Andrew Evans having fun!
Having the drive and passion to excel...will most certainly propel you to the top!


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