Friday, February 17, 2012

Thurs Feb 16 Congrats Joe Pugh = Blue Belt!

 Congrats Joe Pugh!  New Blue Belt!  He trains often, pays attention to the lessons and is an Absolute Beast on the Mat!  Everyone that rolls with him has nothing but good things to say about him.
 Congrats To Andrew Shepard!  His first stripe!  The little man has come a long way in a short amount of time and is ready for all challenges!
 Congratulations To Max!  He received his 4 Stripe Blue!  He started his Jiu Jitsu training at the beginning of 2006 and is a favorite amongst his peers!

Dan and Charlie get some good training in!

Andy and Joe!

 Christie and Kidd train!
 Dan and Jaime in a classic match up!

Manuel in trouble with the ever-so-tough Christie!

Christie wraps up Pako!

Ray and Max!
Andrew poses with MikoMay and Kidd!
 Alyssa and Aleah come in to visit!  These two girls are at the top of Women's wrestling and have great Jiu Jitsu to compliment!  It was great to see them!


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