Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Training @ Esco, Tues Jun 7

Great Class! We worked on back control and attack! We did conditioning, techniques, drills, and lot's of sparring!
Gerald and Bubba Battle!

Jessica and Arturo!

Derek and Arturo working technique

Bubba and Marvin Battle!

Paco teaching and rolling with the Kids in the Kids class

Manuel teaching the Kids in the Kids class


Armando teaching the kids in the kids class

Arturo teaching the kids in the Kids class

Ray and Alfredo working technique!

Derek and Charlie Battle!

Armando and Bubba Spar!

Jessica congratulating Kidd on her Blue Belt Promotion that happened yesterday
Kidd, Me, Armando, and Charlie after class
The Boyz, Arturo, Manuel, Charlie, Paco, and Bubba after class!


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