Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strength & Conditioning Training @ Esco, Sun Jun 12

One Hour, Tough training! Everyone went at their own pace & everyone had a great time! We did one hour of Interval, Circuit, Strength & Conditioning training with Grappling! We had a small group that worked very hard and will benefit from today's workout! IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Chino and Giovanni working hard!

Jessica and her kids stopped by to say Hi!

Javier, only 11 years old, worked just as hard as the Adults! I only invited the top representatives of the Kids Class! He kicked butt!

In the middle of some tough work!

Run, run, run!!!

Chino, feeling the burn on the Plank exercise!

then goes on to kick some butt in the grappling porition!

Armando battling the Big 335lb Alfredo!

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