Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pan Ams Day 4, Sun Mar 27

Closing out the Pan Ams for 2011! Awesome tournament tough, tough matches!
Chris and I, getting Charlie ready for his matches

Manuel, Luis and myself waiting for Charlie's matches

Charlie does what he does best and gets to the back to sink in the rear naked choke to win his first match!

Charlie wins his match in impressive fashion

Charlie goes head to head and loses his next match with the score 0-0, and 0-0 advantages. It went to referee's decision. His opponent went on to win the division.

Charlie had a great showing and ended up with a third place finish!

Melissa Haueter had a war in her first match and scores the back mount with hooks to win 4-0 in the 10 minute battle!

Melissa Haueter worked really hard and came in ready to battle!

unfortunately, she reaps her 2nd opponent's knee at the beginning of the match and gets DQ'd! Arghhhhh! here she is going over her mistake with her Coach and husband, Chris

Andre Galvao with his first win of the day!

Kidd posing with Andre, the 2011 Medium Heavy Pan Ams Champ!

Kidd with Beth Ann!

Kidd with Black Belt Jocelyn Chang

Kidd with 2011 Pan Ams Female Heavyweight Champ, Gabrielle Garcia

We went to the Yard House at the Irvine Spectrum to Celebrate Charlie's showing! We're Proud of you Charlie!


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