Wednesday, February 16, 2011

training, Wed Feb 16

Kidd and I after class.

Brian and Debbie come in to say hi to everyone!

Ray started the class off with a vigorous warm up, then he and I taught takedown techniques with lot's of reps and drills for 45 min. then Ray reviewed an entry to the Knee on Stomach position that we did earlier in the week then went on to teach a couple of attacks from that position
Charlie teaching technique...

Instead of regular sparring, we did conditioning sparring drills with lot's of exercise in between to get ready for tournaments!

Everyone will sleep good tonight!

David demonstrating to Paco the Kimura

Charlie teaching

Meagan working on her takedowns

Dan doing the reps

Charlie and Beth Ann!

Ray showing Manuel and Arturo pressure

Manuel working takedowns...

Christie and Meagan!

David correcting Paco's positioning

Arturo and Manuel working hard!


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