Thursday, April 22, 2010

training, Thurs Apr 22

Q: What's more fun than sitting at home with a bag of chips watching re-runs? A: Training with some good guys that you would call your "Brother"

Everyone got some great training in, while having a blast! Here, Adam and Ben work...
Charlie and Ray!! Tough training but fun too...
Ben was kikin my butt tonight!!

Ben and Matt!!

Max and Jaime got some great work

Ray and Gabe battle! Two heavyweights that can move!

Ray and I got great session in!

Kidd and Bethann...all that was missing was the soda and popcorn
They had great seats to watch !

After battle!

Charlie and Adam!

Ray teaching young Matt...

Charlie vs. Gabe!

Adam and Max! Max Money!!!

That was fun guys!!!

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