Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tito Southwell = Blue Belt!

Congratulations To Tito Southwell! He's been training off and on with Team Magnitude for about 4 years. The last 6 months, he has increased his time and his efforts and it has paid off!

Everyone likes Tito! He is a Bear on the Mat! Super Nice guy (Just don't get him Mad! ;-)

Here he gets his first roll as a Blue against the ever-so-tough, Daryl!

Charlie welcomes Tito to the Blue Belt!

Great class tonight! Went over more Closed guard work. Here, Andy and Ray give a demo to the class

Ray and Josh = Two Jiu Jitsu beasts

Me teaching

What a great match to watch! Gabe and Ben! with Ben getting the Knee bar at the end!

Max and Daryl!

Two Powerful Heavyweights: Gabe and Josh!

Kidd and Charlie!


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