Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sean David = Blue, Ben Blakesly = Purple!

Congratulations to Sean David to his promotion to the Blue Belt and Ben Blakesly to his promotion to the Purple Belt!!!

Both these men are very deserving and are greatly respected by their peers!
Sean has been training off and on for almost 5 yrs! But up until recently he has put in some serious Gi time and his Jiu Jitsu is on fire! But in the pic below, Kidd welcomes Sean with a "Beating" to congratulate him on his promotion!
Ben is fast approaching 5 years in his training and trains a lot! This guy takes his Jiu Jitsu seriously and is quite talented! In the pic below, Andy welcomes Ben to the Purple Belt!!!

Good matches tonight! Josh and Adam are always fun to watch!

Lil Max takes on the Heavyweight, Andy!

Tito and Jaime get some great work in! These two will be competing in a few days at the Pan Ams!

Andy vs Adam!

Ray vs. Diego!

Max rolls with Adam!

Daryl goes in for the choke on Andy!

Kidd and Lil Andrew watch the matches!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome you guys!!!... congrats!!.. both VERY well deserved.

