Sunday, March 28, 2010

training, Sun Mar 28, Training @ Haueter's

Went up to train @ Haueter's this morning! I drove up there with Nick Stefan (Black Belt under Rigan Machado.) There was 6 Black Belts and 3 Brown Belts among the training group! Everyone was really cool and worked hard today!Nick and Chris had some great rolls today! Two tough men, for sure...

Two Stud Brown Belts, Rob and Emery!

Melissa and new baby, Allison. Melissa is 3 weeks back into training after having baby!

After training in LA, I dropped Nick off and went straight to training in Vista. I didn't train but coached today (got my training at Haueter's this morning.)

Charlie's game is BLOWING UP!!! Here, he gets a sick submission on Jeremy!

Gabe and Ray! Two tough Warriors!
Jaime! Hurt, but still comes in to watch and support...

Ray and Jeremy! Great matches between the two!

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